Why should you try online Speech Therapy for you or your loved one?

In this blog post we’ll tell you why you should schedule speech therapy via telepractice.
1. Convenience
Easy and Simple! Speech therapy at your fingertips! All you need is computer, laptop, or tablet, a camera and microphone! These days, cameras and microphones are almost always integrated on a computer, laptop, or tablet.

You can attend a session from anywhere as long as you have access to the internet.
2. No Travel Time
We are all busy! This is one less appointment you have to drive to. No wasting time in traffic or waiting for your loved one to be seen. No stress from trying to get to therapy on time! Everyone is relaxed and ready to work! All you have to do is assist with login to our HIPPA certified webconferencing platform and then your free to check things off your To-do list!
3. Flexible
Last minute schedule changes and invitations happen all the time. No worries... squeeze in a session in the parking garage while you wait for dinner just like my patient in the picture at the top.
4. Effective
Live and interactive! Our clients enjoy focusing on goals in speech therapy through fun and games online. They are more engaged and motivated to participate! Telepractice has been used to evaluate and treat people of all ages. Researchers have found few differences between telepractice and in-person services. Most clients who receive telepractice say they are very satisfied.

Researchers have found few differences between telepractice and in-person services.
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