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I'm an adult - Should I get a tongue tie release?

Writer's picture: Marcia CampagnaMarcia Campagna
I was told that I have a tongue tie. I noticed my tongue can't move certain ways. Should I get a tongue tie release?

Function is most important when determining the need for a release, a qualified Speech Pathologist who specializes in orofacial myology will be able to provide you information to help you decide. At Best Speech Therapy, PLLC, we specialize in orofacial myofunctional disorders, including tongue restrictions, facial muscle imbalances, difficulty chewing, mouth breathing, and more.

Factors to consider as an adult who is deciding to move forward with a release:

  • Who identified my restriction and what was their reason for recommending a release?

  • Have I had a comprehensive orofacial myofunctional evaluation by a qualified and board certified orofacial myologist? If not, then this is a must prior to scheduling a lingual release. Schedule an adult evaluation now.

  • Is there enough space on the roof of my mouth for my tongue to comfortably sit at the top of my mouth when I am not eating, drinking, or speaking?

  • Does my tongue prefer to sit at the bottom of my mouth when I am not eating, drinking, or speaking?

  • Does my tongue prefer to sit in between my teeth when I am not eating, drinking, or speaking?

  • Do I have a hard time speaking in a way that other people can understand me?

  • Do I have a lisp that might be affecting my communication and is it negatively impacted by my restriction?

  • Do I have a tight upper body, neck, and/or face muscles?

  • Do I feel pain in my jaw or neck areas?

  • Do I have trouble chewing and swallowing without extra effort?

  • Do I get tired from chewing?

  • Do I have a strong gag reflex?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you may benefit from an orofacial myofunctional evaluation for more information about the possibility of needing a lingual release.

Many of these symptoms overlap with other issues. At the evaluation, we will provide differential diagnosis to try to determine the reason you are experiencing any of the above symptoms. This helps us determine a suitable plan of care with referrals to help. We highly recommend pre and post op myofunctional therapy when moving forward with a release. Should your symptoms be related to a muscle imbalance as oppose to a true lingual restriction, myofunctional therapy will improve your tongue posture for optimal breathing and tongue movement for optimal chewing, swallowing, and speaking.

How will I benefit from a tongue tie release combined with myofunctional therapy?

Keep in mind that a tongue tie release by itself gives the orofacial myologist access to the muscle. The only way to change how you use your muscles is by participating in therapeutic intervention provided by a highly trained Speech Pathologist who specializes in orofacial myology. It's equivalent to physical therapy after knee surgery. If you opt for a procedure without therapy, then you should not expect these changes.

  • Improved range of motion for the tongue

  • Improved tongue posture (tongue up in the jaw comfortably sitting inside the teeth without touching the front teeth)

  • Better breathing

  • Clear speaking

  • Release of tension in the jaw, neck, and face resulting in less pain

  • Prevent relapse of orthodontics and/or jaw surgery

  • Improved oral health

  • Decreased gag reflex

  • Improved chewing

  • Improved control of food while chewing

  • Easier swallowing

Who is NOT a candidate for a tongue restriction release?

  • If you are seeking voice feminization, then you are not a candidate for a lingual release.

  • If you do not have enough space in your upper jaw for your tongue to comfortably sit inside your teeth, then you will need to be assessed by an airway dentist, orthodontist or an oral surgeon to determine your candidacy for palatal expansion.

At Best Speech Therapy, PLLC, we collaborate with many airway savvy professionals and we will be happy to point you in the right direction should we determine a need at the evaluation.

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