Do you feel like you keep returning to your chiropractor, massage therapist, or bodyworker because their treatment gives you temporary relief but never sticks?
Do you want to reduce costly treatments?
Myofunctional therapy is an alternative way to alleviate jaw muscle pain. Jaw pain is an indication that the muscles of the face and mouth are not in harmony during movement.
This means that the strong muscles do the work for the weak muscles. The overcompensation results in a muscle imbalance during functional movement. At Best Speech Therapy, PLLC, we focus on functional movement of the muscles during breathing, swallowing, and speaking. The functional movement is what keeps the tension and the pain at bay.
Sometimes jaw pain can be associated with problems in the TMJ or jaw joint. In the event this is your case, we will work collaboratively with one of our team TMJ specialists to support your healing. We will work on functional movement and muscle tension release and your TMJ Dentist will treat the joint.

We use a diverse approach to facilitate long lasting relief.
Our approach includes a comprehensive orofacial evaluation to assess your jaw, tongue, lips and cheeks. We also screen for forward head posture and assess your chewing and swallowing. We will check to see if your jaw pain is related to a muscle imbalance or a concern with the joint so that we can refer you to appropriate specialists as needed.
Our highly trained Speech language pathologists, otherwise known as, orofacial myologists use a neuromuscular re-education training therapy technique to address the neurocognitive-motor-sensory components to functional movements of the mouth and jaw. We also use manual therapy in the form of myofascial release and trigger point release to help decrease muscle tension from the chest up.
We collaborate with highly skilled team of professionals who specialize in sleep, airway, bodywork, and TMJ.
You can avoid being overtreated by committing to neuromuscular re-education training at Best Speech Therapy, PLLC.
To schedule an orofacial myology evaluation now, click here or call 214-997-1106